Thursday, June 30, 2005

Happy Birthday Dillon Patrick!

Dillon is 11 years old today. I still remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. I am so proud of my fine young man!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

One Year Check Up!

Jackson had his one year check up today. He did so good with his injections. He only cried a minute. His weight was 20.8 lbs, his height is 29 1/2", and head circ is 18 1/8". He is completely off of bottles now and is drinking whole milk. He is eating regular food at most meals. He is growing up so fast!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Happy Birthday to Dillon and Jackson!!!

My new chair is cool!

I love my new chair! I had to have a bath in the middle of our party. Cake is messy!

YUM Cake!!

Happy First Birthday Jackson Lee!!!!!

The birthday party turned out great! Pics will be posted soon...

Monday, June 20, 2005

Ahhh! A day off from work.

Not much going on around here today. It is my day off and I am doing a little cleaning. The kiddos are all "helping". Jackson is getting braver and taking a few steps, then he realizes what he is doing and he drops down and crawls. Have a nice Monday everyone!

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Today at my WW meeting I made my 10% goal. With WW this is a very big deal. When you first join the first goal you are given is 10% of your current weight. Today when I weighed in I had lost 3.4lbs which brings my grand total to 24.4lbs gone! YIPEEEEEEE

Tooth #8

Tooth #8 made it's appearance today. I had been expecting its arrival by the way Jackson had been acting this past week. He now has 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Image hosted by My Family :)

What a crazy month!

Well, where do I begin? Both Dillon and Barrett "graduated" this year. Dillon will be entering the sixth grade in the fall. I cannot believe that my firstborn is old enough for middle school. I am excited and sad all at the same time. I believe he will be riding the school bus in the fall. I can't wait to get all of the information in the mail. Barrett graduated from the four year old program and will be in Pre-K. Yes, that is right, he will be going to school all day. Unlike Dillon and Hannah, since his birthday is in the fall, he is the oldest in his class. So he will be in pre-k even though he is turning five. I think he is really looking forward to going to "big kid" school. Secondly, I believe most of you know that I returned to work a little over a month ago. It was really nice staying home with Jackson, but the time had come. I am really enjoying it alot. The first week or so was really rough on me but everything is falling into place now. I really like the facility I am at and the residents and co-workers are both really nice for the most part. I am working five days a week 2-10. I hope to cut back slightly when school starts again. Other than that I am excited for the boys birthday party next weekend! I stil can't believe that Jackson is already turning one. I better get Barrett to bed. I will update more tomorrow.

Look who's ONE! Posted by Hello

I love this one!!! Posted by Hello
Jackson's 12 month pictures Posted by Hello