Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We just want to wish all of our family and friends a very happy Thanksgiving. We appreciate all of your love, support, and friendship today and always. Update on us: Dillon has worked his buns off and pulled up all of his grades! Way to go Dillon (and Mom)!!! He is the only one in this house that has escaped this round of sickies. Barrett and I both have bronchitis and feel terrible. He had to miss his Thanksgiving feast at school and was very disappointed. Hannah and Jackson acted like they had a touch of something but seem to be on the mend. Hannah's nosebleeds have slowed down a lot since we started on the claratin, nose spray, and humidifier routine. We are on pins and needles waiting to hear the "good news!" Cross your fingers and toes!


Cammie said...

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to you, too! And WTG for Dillon!

Alison said...

Yay Dillon!
I'm sorry you've all been sick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some good news for you guys!

Wendy said...

WTG Dillon!!!

And Yay on the other thing! :D